Hip Hop

Understanding Hip Hop

Hip hop dance originated in the United States during the 1970s in predominantly African American and Latino communities. It encompasses a wide range of street dance styles that evolved alongside hip hop music and culture. Hip hop dance includes elements such as breaking, locking, and popping, characterized by dynamic movements, isolations, and freestyle improvisation. It became popularized through music videos, movies, and television, influencing mainstream culture globally. Today, hip hop dance continues to evolve with new styles and influences, remaining a vibrant and expressive form of dance celebrated in both urban settings and professional dance studios worldwide.

Why Choose Hip Hop

Hip hop dance is an exciting and dynamic way for kids to express themselves. With its infectious beats and energetic movements, children can let loose and have fun while improving their coordination and rhythm. The style encourages creativity, allowing kids to explore their own unique dance moves and incorporate elements of freestyle.

Hip hop also promotes social interaction, as children often dance in groups, fostering teamwork and friendships. The vibrant culture surrounding hip hop, including music and fashion, adds to the overall enjoyment. Overall, hip hop dance is a fantastic outlet for kids to energize, connect, and showcase their personalities!

Dress Code

  • Dancers are asked to wear clothing they can move in, avoid jeans/movement restricting clothing

  • Indoor sneakers are required for this class


You can register for our Hip Hop recreational classes through the Parent Portal.

Just create a free account and sign up online to secure your spot.




Lyrical & Contemporary